MIT’s Heavy Metal 101 is pleased to present guest lecturer, Matt Zappa. An accomplished metal drummer, his talk will comprise of three sections: (1) a metal drumming masterclass, (2) life as a touring musician, and (3) tech of metal drumming all while breaking down the evolution of metal drumming with a live demonstration.
Room 4-153 can be found on the first floor of Building 4 on MIT’s campus.
All are welcome. Cost is free. Seating is limited.
See for a map and learn more about this series at

Not a Metallurgy class! This veteran crash-course is coming back in full force and will have you head banging, air guitaring, and devil horn raising in no time! Learn everything you ever wanted to know about Heavy Metal, including how Metallica tries too hard to be cool, why Lemmy IS God (RIP), and why you might already be a metalhead and not even know it.
We’ll look at metal cultures, explore the fringes of the most extreme forms of metal, and, of course, listen to some SCREAMING HEAVY METAL! This is guaranteed to be the most BRUTAL class ever offered at MIT! WARNING: This series most definitely goes to 11! Earplugs optional.
2019 Schedule of Events
(All events start at 6:30 PM in Room 4-153!)