I’m excited to say that Math the Band will be performing at 4pm on Sat March 30th at PAX East in Boston.
PAX is a series of gaming conventions held in Seattle, Boston, Melbourne, Philadelphia, and San Antonio. Founded by Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik, authors of the popular web comic Penny Arcade, each PAX is a show dedicated to supporting and celebrating video and tabletop gaming.

Since PAX’s inception, millions of attendees have enjoyed the expo floor halls filled with booths from major game publishers and independent developers, panels from video game industry insiders, game culture-inspired concerts, LAN parties, tabletop gaming, competitions and much more.
Video livestream provided by MAGFest Mediatron at twitch.tv/magfest
Audio livestream provided by geekbeatradio at geekbeatradio.com
Thursday 28th
10:00 am Open Jam
12:30 pm changeover
1:00 pm The Electric Dugans
2:00 pm Sam Mulligan
3:00 pm Kittens Slay Dragons
4:00 pm changeover
5:00 pm Triheart / MC facepalm / KES (Kessaris Entertainment System) / Dos Cecchini Jr.– Chiptune Showcase
presented by BOSTON8BIT
7:00 pm Closed
Friday 29th
10:00 am Open Jam
12:30 pm changeover (if needed)
1:00 pm Sarah Donner
2:00 pm Minusworld
3:00 pm Doug Perry And DiscoCactus
4:00 pm Videri String Quartet
5:00 pm The World is Square
6:00 pm Brick BRKer / OxygenStar / Crayondroids / Game Genie Sokolov – Chiptune Showcase presented by geekbeatradio
7:30 pm Night’s Edge
8:00 pm Open Jam
9:30 pm changeover
10:00 pm Super Soul Bros. / The Koopa Kids – SUPER JAMSPACE!
12:00 am Closed
Saturday 30th
10:00 am Open Jam
12:30 pm changeover (if needed)
1:00 pm Insaneintherainmusic
2:00 pm FamilyJules
3:00 pm Lame Genie VGM
4:00 pm Math the Band
5:00 pm Gwell-O
6:00 pm Fyütch, None Like Joshua – hip hop/nerdecore showcase
9:30 pm changeover
10:00 pm LemonDrop / RoboRob – VGM dance party
12:00 am Closed
Sunday 31st
10:00 am Open Jam all day with special guests & surprises along the way!
5:00 pm Closed